Please note: This version of Gilgamesh is rendered in rhyming poetry, with the intent of it being performed live on stage.

PROLOGUE: Brief character development of Gilgamesh and Enkidu.  Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, is 2/3 god and 1/3 man.  The gods send an animal version of Gilgamesh, named Enkidu, 1/3 god, 2/3 man, to test Gilgamesh.


CHAPTER 1 : THE PROSTITUTE A farmer gets Gilgamesh to send a prostitute to trap Enkidu, who is a friend of the animals and a threat to the hunters and the farmers.

CHAPTER 2: FALLING INTO MAN The prostitute civilizes Enkidu and leads him to Gilgamesh.


CHAPTER 3:  DREAMS  Gilgamesh has strange dreams that his mother, Ninsun, interprets as the coming of Enkidu.


CHAPTER 4: THE SHEPHERDS AND BARBARIANS  The prostitute introduces Enkidu to the hunters and villagers; among whom Enkidu becomes a legend. 

CHAPTER 5: THE TRAVELLING FARMER  Enkidu gets tired of hearing about Gilgamesh and decides to face him.

CHAPTER 6:  FACE TO FACE  Enkidu and Gilgamesh meet, and battle with each other.  Equal in appearance and strength, they become like brothers.


CHAPTER 1: A JOURNEY THAT WILL KILL  Gilgamesh convinces Enkidu to go into the forest of the gods and to confront its guardian, Humbaba.  Gilgamesh argues that together, Enkidu and himself are man and god, and that they should therefore battle with the gods that oppress them all.

CHAPTER 2: THE ELDERS  The Elders and town's folk of Uruk are supportive of their cause, especially because Gilgamesh is a mean tyrant and the people know that his cause is a dangerous one.

CHAPTER 3: A JOURNEY  Ninsun blesses Enkidu and explains to him the difference between Shamash and the other gods.


CHAPTER 1: THE DARK When they pass through the gate of the forest of the gods, Enkidu is made ill and the day turns dark.

CHAPTER 2: VOICES  A restless night of pain and nightmares ensues.  Gilgamesh has more dream-state-visions.

CHAPTER 3: THE HUMBABA  In battle, the Humbaba is killed and Enkidu is badly wounded.


CHAPTER 4: ISHTAR  Ishtar, the goddess of love, fertility and war, comes to tell Gilgamesh that they have angered the gods so much that the only way out is for Gilgamesh to marry her and become her servant.  In return, Gilgamesh verbally abuses Ishtar.

CHAPTER 5: THE BULL OF HEAVEN  In anger, Ishtar convinces Anu (the head-god) to send the Bull of Heaven to kill Gilgamesh; and to punish Uruk with a famine.

CHAPTER 6: THE TABLETS OF DESTINIES  Many of the known Sumarian myths are conveyed through Enkidu's last words as he hallucinates to death.

CHAPTER 7: THE ONE EYE OF THE ONE FACE  Enkidu's last words before he dies.  Gilgamesh vows to never give up until he finds the secret to immorality to bring Enkidu back to life.


CHAPTER 1: TO SEEK, TO WANDER  Gilgamesh seeks and wanders and looks for Utnapishtim--a Noah-like figure who has transcended death--to find the secret to immortality.

CHAPTER 2: THE SCORPION PEOPLE  Gilgamesh encounters the Scorpion People who warn him to not continue.

CHAPTER 3: THE DARKNESS  Gilgamesh  overcomes the valley of Abyss through silence and darkness (deaf and blind.)

CHAPTER 4: THE BAR MAID  Gilgamesh comes upon a paradise-like setting where a beautiful maiden named Siduri tries to convince him to stay and begin a family--but Gilgamesh relentlessly continues to search for Utnapishtim.

CHAPTER 5: THE SACRED STONES  Gilgamesh destroys a bunch of tall Sacred Stones before encountering Urshanibi: an old boat-man who lives by the canal, near the sea of death, who in deception finally suggests a way for Gilgamesh to cross the Sea of Death.


CHAPTER 1: THE SEA OF DEATH  Urshanibi's idea almost proves fatal; however, Gilgamesh manages to out smart the Sea of Death.  He finally meets Utnapishtim.

CHAPTER 2: UTNAPISHTIM  A series of lengthy metaphysical poems regarding knowledge, understanding, life and death take place in the dialogue between Utnapishtim and Gilgamesh.

CHAPTER 3: THE FLOOD  The Sumarian myth of a great flood that's sent to kill all the living; and Utnapishtim's building a boat and helping the living survive it; that, like the rest of the book, is also retold entirely in song.


CHAPTER 4: ETERNITY AND MAN  Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh that he must live with Enkidu's death as he, himself, had to face the death of the world after the flood.

CHAPTER 5: THE PLANT IN THE RIVER  Utnapishtim is finally fed up with his inability to convince Gilgamesh and calls upon the boat-man, Urshanibi, to come and take him back to the other side of the Sea of Death.  Before Gilgamesh leaves, Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh a secret about an under-water flower that can make one immortal. Gilgamesh finds and harvests the plant.  


CHAPTER 6: THE SERPENT  While Gilgamesh  is getting cleaned up in preparation for going back to Enkidu, a serpent crawls out of the water and eats the plant.


CHAPTER 1: THE KING'S RETURN  The defeated king, unable to conquer death and faced with his own mortality, goes back to his city, Uruk, as a new king.

EPILOGUE: A CELEBRATION  One night, through Ea's grace, Gilgamesh is allowed to speak with Enkidu.  Enkidu tells him to let go of his futile struggle against death and to embrace his life instead. Suddenly the sounds of celebration in the city capture Gilgamesh 's attention and he walks over to his people to see what's drawn them into celebration.